MidnightBSD Release Notes

Late breaking information:

Due to a bug in mport tools, it's recommended to use at least version 0.5.2.

Previous Release Notes

(09/22/2014) MidnightBSD 0.5-RELEASE

MidnightBSD 0.5 has been released on September 22, 2014.



Removed Features

New Software Versions

mports & package tools

libmport was modified to support the concept of “upgrade” to migrate from one OS release to another. Packages now contain OS version they were built with. mport list now displays the OS version of the package to help with updating and mport list updates was changed to suggest upgrading to the current version.

Several bug fixes around checksum handling were resolved.

Package builds for the release are not yet complete.

KDE was removed from mports due to lack of a maintainer for our ports. KDE 3.x was too insecure and 4.x has not worked correctly for some time on MidnightBSD.

Currently, we’re recommending xfce 4.x as a desktop environment.


I'd like to thank several contributors that made this release possible.

Christian Reinhardt (ctriv@) (mport/magus)
Caryn Holt (raven@)

Thorsten Glaser (MKSH assistance, etc)
BSD Magazine - helping us get the word out

Midnight the Cat for mascot assistance :)